Night Stalker Cove


Here are Our rule either fallow them or prepare to have Your throat slit

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Law 1 : Loyalty to the Home Stone is loyalty to its members. Your Brother is Your Brother, Your Sister is Your Sister. Treat Them with respect and love Them as Your Own.

Treat Home Members like Yyou would like to be treated.

Family Members may disagree but they shall not attack.

Respect is defined as holding in esteem or honor.

Law 2 : All Members of the Home Stone are Real People, at the end of the day they do not need any more drama than the already have in Their Real Life.

The business of the Home stays in the Home – Members will refrain from discussing Home business with outsiders.

Gossip and rumor mongering is unbecoming a Home member – if it is not within Yyour personal knowledge, don’t spread it.

Law 3 : Your Real Time is Your Real Time, keep it there. No one is interested in what happens In Your Real Time.

If Free or slave alike is cought talking about real time in the Home except for explaing why they need to leave they will be given a warning it if contiues after the warning Yyou will be bounced.

Refrain from excessive discussion of the details of Your personal life.

Bragging or speaking of Yyour fortunes makes those less fortunate feel less than – online Wwe are the members of the same Family.

Law 4 : A persons past is their past, be they Free or slave. They need not Be questioned as to their past. Those on the ban list, We know of their past that’s why They are there.

At the issuance of these Laws Aall are given a clean slate to do with as Tthey see fit.

Discussion of another’s past is strictly forbidden.



Law 1 : Greet all Free. It doesn't matter if you like them or not. Greeting and showing respect doesn't mean you have to talk to them afterwards.

You have made the choice to live as slave – you will be expected to conduct yourselves as such.

Slaves will respect each other as fellow sisters or brothers in chains.

Law 2 : NEVER argue with the Free. A slave has the right to having the last word in any disagreement. Those last words will be "Yes Jarl" or "Yes Mistress." Remember the Free are never wrong even if they are wrong.

If a slave feels wronged they are to take the matter to their Owner.

A Home slave takes matters to the Kennel Mistress.

Law 3 : slaves will behave as a slave. This means you do NOT tell a Free what Gor is nor do you correct the Free.

None are perfect, but it is not the slaves place to point out the imperfections of the Free.

All need teaching, but slaves do not teach or train the Free.

Law 4 : Chores will be done daily. Each slave will be assigned chores on a weekly basis.

Chores are to be posted on the proboards in the place designated for each slave.

Each chore shall be verified by a Free Person

If for any reason, chores cannot be completed, a slave MUST notify their owner immediately. A Home slave must notify the Kennel Mistress.

Law 5 : Service to the Free is the slaver’s purpose.

Service does not mean to lap with a Free and look pretty while all others are busting their ass. Pull your weight and show your worth.

When there are Free to serve and others are serving you are expected to help.

Law 6 : Slaves will not argue with each other in public room.

IF there is an issue remember to take it to private.

Do NOT drag the Free into your squabbles. Do NOT expect the Free to protect you against other slaves.

Law 7 : slaves show laziness for being AFK (red dotted) so if you're going to be afk for more than 20 minutes, ask permission to leave, give the proper partings then leave.

Slaves are to ask permission to go AFK (Away from keyboard) and return to room.

If you are unsure how long you will be gone then leave the room and return when finished with real time.

Law 8 : Do NOT bring in drama into the home. Remember slaves solve their own problems.

Should questions arise they will be brought to the slave’s owner or in the case of the Home slaves to the Kennel Mistress.

The open room is not the place for the discussion of the slave’s personal business.

Law 9: Greeting Protocol – The slaves shall greet the Free as follows:


Room Owner

Free Men of the Home

Free Men visiting

Free Women of the Home

Free Women visiting

home slaves

visiting slaves

Checking profiles of unknown persons is a must.

When in doubt, address unknown persons as “Master”. It is better to offend a Free Woman than a Free Man. If you unsure if the person is Free or slave, address as Free, to avoid offending a Free.

This is the protocol in Our Home. If visiting and a different protocol is known, follow the Home protocol in that Home.



Law 1 : Free Men are to act as Free Men, Free Women are to act as Free Women.

Mastery of self is the first order of business for the Free.

Mastering is not abuse. Mistreatment of One Another or slaves will not be tolerated.

Law 2 : Bullying is not tolerated in any form, shape or manner.

Bullying is defined as intimidating or domineering.

Playing that rises to bullying with Free or slave is inappropriate.

Law 3 : Issues of the Home are internal affairs. In such it will be handled by the Internal Affairs Agents of the Home.

Internal affairs SHALL NOT be discussed outside of the Home.

Internal affairs shall be kept within the persons concerned with any one incident in the home unless concerned person has involved the Home by their own choice.

Law 4 : Our Laws extend to Our Homes, they Do not under any circumstances go into the other Gorean Homes, We are not Enforcers of Law, but abiders of OUR LAW

Each Home Stone is free to govern itself as it sees fit.

Our Home Stone is responsible to abide by and enforce these laws.

Law 5 : Business of the Free is business of the Free. Business of the slaves is business of the slaves.

The Free shall not discuss their business with slaves.

The Free Men shall be presided over by Eisenhorne Nightstalker.

The Free Women shall be presided over by Alexia NightStalker.

Law 6 : Accountability to the Home Stone is a must.

The Free are examples to the slaves in matters of respect and proper conduct.

If the Free must leave the room for long periods of time (over 10 minutes, please exit and return.


A) All matters of transgression of the law will be taken to the Arbiter and Keeper of Laws for determination of innocence or guilt. Once a determination of guilt has been made, sentence will be passed in accordance with Section V.

B) Appeal may be made to the Heads of the Home, Eisenhorne Nightstalker and Alexia NightStalker




Sentence for the Free

First Offense: 24 hours in the Brig

Second Offense: 1 week in the Brig

Consideration of Revocation of Tags

Sentence of the slave

Caged for two hours in open room

Double chores for a week

Consideration of Revocation os status as a slave

Main Hall

This is online role play only.